
Recovery Time

Dependent upon consultation


$120 onwards

  • Cheeks
  • Hands/ Fingers
  • Face
  • Decolletage
  • Upper Back
  • Arms/Shoulders
  • Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation


Reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation, sunspots, age spots, and freckles.


You can expect to see results within a few weeks, although it may take several sessions to achieve optimal results.

Sun damage

What is sun damage?

Your skin protects you from the elements, but too much sun exposure can throw off some of its vital cellular processes.

Ultraviolet light, particularly UV-A, enhances melanin production, which creates dark spots. UV-A also breaks down collagen, DNA and other important structures. Damaged DNA reduces your skin’s ability to heal and replace lost collagen. Infrared (IR) light contributes to the injury by degrading elastin.

These changes take away your skin’s radiance and suppleness over time. Among vulnerable individuals, they can also affect health on a deeper level.

What does sun damage on skin?

Various non-invasive treatments can help minimise the damage caused by sun over the years. This includes skin peels and laser treatment.


With the help of one of our medically trained experts, you can have complete peace of mind that you’re benefitting from a treatment you can trust, in a clinic, you can trust, and our compassionate experts will hold your hand throughout the process, from start to finish.

This anti-ageing treatment is a chemical exfoliation process, which penetrates the skin’s deeper layers, causing the top layers to shed – hence the name ‘skin peel’.

The process stimulates collagen, increasing cellular turnover, leaving you with fresh and radiant skin. These treatments work exceptionally well if you are experiencing acne and scarring, discolouration, poor texture, and hyperpigmentation.

Ablasive laser

The goal of laser treatment is to stimulate tissue renewal and collagen formation by controlled injury of the skin. Lasers emit high-energy light beams of only one color. Unlike sunlight, which has a wide light spectrum and damages randomly, lasers have specific molecular targets. For skin resurfacing lasers, the target molecules are usually water, hemoglobin and melanin.

Ablative lasers include the carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) lasers. They emit long IR waves that can vaporize the superficial skin cells. They cause more inflammation than their non-ablative counterparts but also produce superior and more dramatic results. Ablative lasers are suitable for more severe lesions like deep wrinkles and actinic keratoses.

Ablative lasers generally require injectable pain medication and longer downtime. Additionally, they may cause some severe side effects if not properly done. Combining the techniques, shortening the pulse duration or using the fractional approach can reduce complications without compromising the results.

Brown and age spots

What are age spots?

Age spots are due to both chronological ageing & sun exposure. This form of pigmentation can be resistant to normal lasers, however can be treated with special types of lasers including nano, pico & ablative laser resurfacing. The best method depends on the type of age spot & your background skin colour.

What are the best treatment options for age spots?

PICO Genesis Laser Treatments for Skin Discoloration

  • Enlighten Laser / PICO Genesis is a dual solution for both defined dark spots and mottled hyperpigmentation.
  • The Enlighten 2-in-1 laser system by laser leader Cutera has become a “wow” technology in our practice.
  • With the Enlighten laser action, erase or blend defined spots and tattoos
  • With the PICO Genesis action, dramatically turn down that frustrating mottled pigmentation AND get extra benefits of skin-smoothing collagen restructuring without downtime


  • Laser speeds so blazingly fast, your skin doesn’t have time to suffer from heat buildup
  • Shockwaves, not heat, remodel collagen in the dermal skin layer, giving you new smoothness and fine line improvement – a terrific “side effect”
  • Works for all, even sensitive or ethnic skins
  • It’s FAST – session average is only 20 minutes


BBL BroadBand Light Photofacial

For decades, the simplest way to fade away diffuse widespread discoloration has been IPL (intense pulsed light, also known as photo facial). Standard IPL is still effective, but BBL is the most powerful light technology available today.

What Skin Conditions Can Be Treated with BBL?

  • Sun damage and poor skin texture
  • Flushing, redness and broken capillaries
  • Brown spots and Age spots
  • Sun-induced freckles on the hands, chest, and face
  • Large pores and fine wrinkles

How Does BBL Work?

The basic light is full spectrum. By using filters to block different wavelengths of the light, we can specifically fine-tune your treatment to target the skin problems that are unique to you. This is a distinct advantage over traditional IPL phototherapy.

Fractional Laser

Although fractional laser can’t duplicate full surface laser results, it can provide appreciable improvements with little recovery time. In the simplest terms, fractional resurfacing is a system in which microscopic laser beams are introduced into the skin in a specific pattern. Treated skin area per session is typically about 20%. Why is this important? Whole skin around each tiny, treated column accelerates healing and minimizes infection and post treatment pain.

In contrast, full surface lasers remove the entire top layer of the skin. Not only is this painful, but recovery is much longer and infection risks are quite high. The concept of fractional treatment utlizes the best possibility of lasers while bypassing the worst potential side effects.

The Goal of Tolerability and Comfort

No one comes to a dermatologist eager to undergo painful treatments. The massive difference in treatment experience between full surface laser and fractional laser has made laser treatment a “can do” for just about anyone. But because the fractional laser is much less invasive, the speed of accomplishing desired outcomes is traded for comfort.

What Is a Fractional Laser Used For?

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Vertical lip lines (often in conjunction with filler and/or BOTOX® Cosmetic)
  • Acne scarring
  • Surgical and accident scars
  • Pigmentation blending
  • Melasma reduction
  • Skin quality improvement

Cosmelan Depigmentation Treatment

Hyper-pigmentation is very difficult to conceal, even with heavy makeup or camouflage creams. As a proven system, Cosmelan has been a huge boost in helping minimize brown patches and brown spots that before were resistant to other methods or products.

Cosmelan is “sun-friendly”, an especially appreciated factor for our California lifestyle, and works well even on darker toned Asian and Latin skin. Cosmelan will also produce a slight initial “peel” which helps refinish the skin surface while dramatically diminishing hyper-pigmentation. Pigmentation is color in your skin produced by melanin, the natural pigment that also determines eye and hair color. However, if too much melanin is produced in one area, the result is a brown patch on your skin ( brown spot or hyper-pigmentation.)

What Are the Types of Hyper-Pigmentation?

Melasma or Chloasma: Skin coloration that appears as blotchy brown spots, often covering cheeks, forehead, or temples. This type of hyper-pigmentation can be hereditary, or triggered by hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause. Taking birth control pills can also trigger Melasma. In addition, some laser treatments such as IPL, may worsen the condition.

Age Spots or “Liver” Spots: Smaller darkened patches usually on older adults who have been exposed to the sun for many years. These spots can be seen on the face, forearms and backs of hands.

Post-Inflammatory Hyper-Pigmentation: This type of hyper-pigmentation results from any inflammatory injury or trauma to the skin. Some causes of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation:

  • Poorly administered chemical peels, incorrect methods of laser hair removal, or laser surgery can leave behind hyper-pigmentation.
  • Rashes like psoriasis and eczema often darken the skin as well. Even seemingly innocuous things like leg waxing and electrolysis can cause the melanin cells to over react.
  • Prolonged exposure to heat, whether from being in the sun or working over heat-producing appliances will also be a potential cause.

Chemical Peels

Chemical skin peels remove damaged outer layers of skin on the face, neck, chest and hands to smooth texture, reduce scarring, and remove blemishes and pre-cancerous growths to produce healthy, glowing skin. They can even be used on the arms and legs.

Peel formulas and strengths range from mild to strong, and are tailored to each patient. Superficial peels, such as alpha hydroxy acids, require no ‘downtime’ but do require a series of small peels over time, usually spread 2-4 weeks apart. These peels, often also referred to as glycolic peels work by “ungluing” the damaged skin cells and allowing them to easily slough off.

Ready to discuss your skin concern?

Visit the team at Aspire Skin Clinics if you’re looking to treat minor skin concerns or require specialised medical, surgical or cosmetic treatments.

NOTE: While it is reviewed for clinical accuracy, the content on the Aspire Skin Clinic website does not replace professional advice. This information should not be used as an alternative to professional healthcare. If you have a particular medical problem, please consult a doctor or a specialist.

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